According to his 2007 biography, Public Cowboy No. 1: The Life and Times of Gene Autry, by Holly George-Warren, Autry was defined as much by his celluoid persona as a singing cowboy as he was by his entrepreuneal proclivities and canny business sense (he once owned KTLA-TV in Los Angeles, a successful record label, and the Los Angeles Angels baseball team). But can you possibly imagine this squeaky-clean straight-shooter and family man with the eroticism of a can of Pet evaporated milk being both dipsomanical (read: twelve-stepping alcoholic) and having a steamy hot, torrid long-term extra-marital affair with Gail Davis (TV's "Annie Oakley), who was both a sweetheart of the celluoid rodeo and something of an entrepreneur in her own right?
Obviously all this requires much of a willing suspension of one's disbelief. Apparently all this sounds more like "Torrid Zone" than "Rustlers' Rhapsody."
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